All players who first start out will have a number of helpful items given to them or avalible to them in Player Center. Players will start out with Newby Armor and a Newby Sword so they can have a better chance in the newby dungeon or other easy places to start in. They will also be givin a choice of what set of skills to be increased in, and once they choose a skill gate must come down to the sparkly animation to be teleported to Player center. Here they will see items on a table for them to freely take, and should take if they want tokens and more. Make sure you grab a token ledger and double click it so it sets you name in, this makes it so only you can use it and also starts the code for you to recieve tokens when crafting, or killing creatures.

In player's bank boxes will be some starter items for crafting, magic casting, and some gold. This should be well enough to get started and work your way to the top.

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