All shards need some sort of rules to keep order and balance. Without order comes chaos which results in an unbalanced shard, and unbalanced shards result in loss of players. So here is some rules that the shard feels should be followed to keep a well balanced shard.

1. Harassment : Hopefully everyone understands the serious issue caused by harassing others. Being harassed is not a joking matter and all those who have been subject to it have a right here on this shard. That right is called enjoyment, but if someone else feels they have to disrupt that right, are in for a serious punishment of either complete character remaking or banned from the shard for half a year to life! This rule also applies to staff members that feel they have a right over players, well this is a sure right way to get fired fast!

2. Discrimination : We are not a raciest shard and nor should our players be. For no reason at all should any player be targets cause of race, gender, age, disability, names, etc... I, Admin Jenna will personally ensure this rule isnt broken, and I will ban any accounts / IPs for such offenses!

3. Exploiting : For those of you who dont know what Exploiting is, your about to find out. When you see a bug on the shard that tends to go in your favor, like free items dropping out of the sky. Exploits are caused by a small bug in codes that may end up duping items or somehow giving you cheaper items, higher stats/skills, etc. When these bugs are exploited, it causes an unfairness and or imbalance in shards economy. Players are to report any bugs no matter if they are bugs that piss you off or make you want to keep your mouth shut. Any exploiting caught by staff or read up in shard log files will be questioned and warned, but next time your banned for life!

4. Unattended Macroing : Players caught not responding to staff while in any public area like towns, or centers will be kicked and banned for a week. If everyone was macroing over night in towns or centers, such as crafting, piles would form increasing item count, which causes lag. So dont do it! Do it at your player house, unless it has nothing to do with making items, then the Training Center is an acception to this rule.

5. PVP & PK : To players new to Ultima Online, PVP is when 2 players battle eachother, this is called Player vs. Player. PK is when a player with higher stats and skills goes around killing anyone they want to and any way possible. Both of these are not allowed on the shard unless in Felucca or Wind City. Also any PVP must be consented by both parties, and PK is not allowed anywhere at all! First offense is jail time, all other offense mean ban time for a week +.

6. Begging Staff : Just like it sounds, do not beg/ask/suck up to staff to get free stuff. Doing so can get you severe punishments which will be different depending on staff members desires. Players must earn their stuff, not beg for it.

7. Staff Positions : If you joined this shard just to ask to become a staff member, then dont even bother. This shard is built mainly for players to come and enjoy themselves, if you truely like this shard and have played for over 2 months, then and only on the forums shall you request to be staff. You must also read the Staff Application rules and follow them exactly as it tells you too. All posts that do not meet the rules and or players that are not atleast 2 months old will not be considered and removed.

8. Accounts and Housing : Each player is allowed 1 and only 1 account and House. For players on Lan or have other people in the house playing Ultima Online that want to join, please email Dusklurk or Jenna to get your special case situated. Special cases will be monitored to ensure there is no exploit of multi accounts on same IP. Going to different PCs to make more accounts is a good way to get kicked. This is your warning!

9. Respect : Each person has their own idea on respect. For me personally it is Respect me and I will respect you, so learn that well. I wont respect anyone who does not repect me, and I am sure a lot of others feel the same way!

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