A lot of shards have custom commands players can use to help them or add to their enjoyment. Here
on Mass Overlords, we too have special commands that players may want to know about.
§ [cleanup : this command helps players cleanup ammo in corpses or on the ground, and also cleanup their kills. This feature was put in
to help keep the shard free from too much item counts that form on kills. There are many rewards that player can get from cleaning up the shard.
So always remember to use this command, cause you never know when you could get that super rare item.
§ [chat : allow players to open a menu to help communicate with other players or staff. You can pm, change options and pm sounds, and much more to
help keep you intouch with your friends, or just to say how you are. The command also can use text to send messages to the shard in an easy manner.
To send text to everyone use [c TEXT. Now type anything you want where the words TEXT are and hit enter, your message will be instantly sent all over the shard.
§ [emote : will bring up a menu with different emotions you can trigger by the press of a button. Your player will then make sound and sometimes perform movements.
§ [help : this will tell you all the commands you are allowed to use as a player. Simple as that!